Simplified Technical English
The Aerospace, Security and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD) developed Simplified Technical English (STE) for maintenance of vehicles or systems in Air, Cyber, Land, Rail, Sea and Space. The STE Standard contains a 900-word technical vocabulary and a set of simplified grammar rules.The SMART MAXit Checker helps technical writers comply to the STE Standard which is part of S1000D, S3000L and ATA2200 standards. Learn more ...
Controlled English
Controlled English (CE) is a controlled technical vocabulary and a set of rules for grammar, syntax and style. The use of this vocabulary avoids human errors and is ideal for computer-assisted language translation (MT), Natural Language Understanding (NLU), RAG, GenAI and Artificial Intelligence prompts.The MAXit Checker helps technical writers and engineers to remove ambiguity, jargon, idioms and wrong meanings to create clear, concise information. Learn more ...
Plain English
Plain English (PE) is a subset of English that allows writers at city, state and federal government agencies to write simplified English for Citizen Services and important consumer service information.The MAXit Checker helps the writers use the simplified grammar, syntax and style to comply to Plain Language laws and Limited English Proficiency (LEP). Plain English texts meet the requirements of the Plain Writing Act 2011 and web Federal Section 508. Learn more ...

Our view ... Midtown to World Trade Center and Wall Street.

Our company is a pioneer AI boutique located in New York City.
The SMART team includes language engineers who have many years of experience in Artificial Intelligence (AI),
Natural Language Processing (NLP), AI Agents and Electronic Publishing (XML) tools.
We provide
this suite of software tools.
- Text Miner for dictionaries
- SMART Lexicon Manager to manage terminology.
- MAXit Checker with AI rules to simplify.
Our Capabilities and Services
Some industries and clients
Automotives (EV and ICE), Autonomous Vehicles, Customer Experience, Computer Software and Hardware, Mining Machinery, Aerospace and Defense, Banking and Finance, Civil Engineering, Semiconductors, STEM and Technical Education, Law Enforcement, Healthcare, Telecommunications (5G), Electronics, Power Generation, Chemical Industry, Pharmaceuticals, Railway, Maritime, Medical Devices, Process Control, Government (Citizen Services), Oil and Gas.